Monday November 26, 2007
Today we got to visit the Dump Site ministry, called "JCOBS House". This ministry is amazing. They minister to people who have built their shanty houses on top of a garbage dump site. Many of the children can't afford to go to school. They teach these children the basics so that they can one day enter into the public school stream. Education is the only hope for these children to get out of poverty and get some kind of employment.
This ministry also feeds the children once a week, and gives the parents a weekly bible study. This bible study has been instrumental to give the parents hope. Many have stopped doing drugs and gambling as a result of their transformation. JCOBS house also teaches the parents new types of livelihood, like learning how to make and sell soap, and starting a fishing boat making business.
In the pictures you can see us walking on the dump site and playing with the kids on the dumpsite. All of the colourful and white looking objects on the ground are actually garbage. These children run around and play in these dumps, and many do so without shoes, despite the broken glass, feces and garbage laying around. Nancy even saw a child with an infected foot, probably from what they walk on no doubt.
The children here were lovely and brought us to shelter when it started to pour rain. Once the torrential downpour started, they all started to scream, grabbed our hands and took us under one of the overhanging tarps attached to their homes. They were all laughing and happy. Frank almost started playing cards with one of the men there, but the rain stopped.
Here we got to play with the kids, play tag and sing songs with them. It was a great experience to see such innocence and joy despite their circumstances.