Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Batang Krayola (City Kidz Filipino style)

Saturday November 24, 2007

We had the privilege of holding two BK programs today. Gregor and Nancy organized them, and Gregor led them. The programs were held on the street in the neighbourhoods of poor children. The kids were excited to see the van arrive on the street. We played 4 interactive games with the kids, gave them a message about having the life of Jesus and His Word in their hearts to grow big and strong, they got a meal, and then we handed out treats and toys. Oh my gosh! The mayhem of the toys! The kids went crazy, ran up to the bag and tried to just grab and get toys! We had to push them back, and some would just keep coming back! Craziness!

These kids are so beautiful and appreciated everything. Filipino children are the cutest! They listened to everything intently, and when we prayed with them, they prayed with intensity, it was quite the site to see! Different from what we see in the West, where kids just want to play, throw things on the ground they don't like, and reluctantly pray, annoyed and waiting for the prayer to end. It was so much fun interacting, singing, and playing with these precious kids.

It was hard not to notice the many skin infections on their scalps. Patches of festering wounds. Many of them had piles of scabs all down their legs, probably from bug bites. Most had rotting teeth, and tattered clothes, but they were still happy, laughing, playing, having fun and full of sweet innocence.

In the afternoon session, the kids invited us to see their houses. A complex of government housing. The houses were a disturbing site. When we got to the complex, it was a huge alley way 3 feet wide, with houses on each side. The alley way was a city block long, and laundry hung outside everywhere. Stray dogs and cats were also everywhere. The houses were 2 floors, with units of 10 ft by 10 ft rooms for a family of 6! Each unit/room is a home, with a kitchen, maybe mats to sleep on, clothes piled in the corner, and each house would have a common bathroom for 6 families. Electricity would only be illegally provided for a few set hours each night. Often times they are in the dark in these cramped up homes, with no electricity for fans to provide relief from the heat. The homes are very damp. After seeing these homes we understood why those children have so many skin infections and bug bites.

We got to go inside one of these houses. The people treated their crowded homes with pride. They kept their surroundings as clean as possible, and they constantly do laundry. Many of these parents actually work as construction workers full-time, and this is all they can afford due to unfair labour here. At night, it is not uncommon for children to be bit by rats the size of cats, and cockroaches often enter their homes. Horrible conditions for anyone. This area is known for drugs and gambling. Often times rapes happen and are swept under the rug.

The poverty here is unbearable. What will be the future for these beautiful children? Will they get out of the viscious cycle of poverty, addiction, and gambling?

The BK ministry here also holds a bible study for the parents in their homes, so that they can learn about the hope of Jesus, have their lives changed which will spread to how they treat their children. There is hope for these kids. The people who minister here have seen parents and children change. Parents have stopped gambling and drugs, and have started to learn how to have a better living. Through Jesus, they have hope. Despite their hell surroundings.


Patti said...

Wow, this sounds like an amazing ministry that you got to see. And I love your description - City Kidz Filipino Style! We had Todd here on Sunday from City Kidz, so your timing is perfect!

Great pics, by the way.

Roy said...

Incredible! The pictures really bring it to home! Your descriptions make it very real. I can see Gregor leading the kids in games and then telling them of Jesus. And Gregor, you would do it with that innocent grin on your face. Keep it up!

I have been thinking of Fran and her back. Nothing has been said so I assume that you're back is doing okay. Sorry about your voice.

Andy, it must be exciting for you to get back on home teritory. We are praying for all of you.

Dougie G said...

Gregor and Nancy must be having a ball with those kids. I guess Kids are the same all over the world with their innocence and excitement. Must be those angels of "theirs" Todd talked about on Sunday. What an awesome ministry BK is.